Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Holidays: Wasted Time, or Marketing Time?

I say marketing time. Here are three quick reasons why:

1. The holidays give you a great excuse to reach out and “touch” your clients.
I see many entrepreneurs so caught up trying to attract new clients that they neglect their current clients. Your best clients are your best clients. In other words, existing clients are ideal prospects not only for new business, but also referrals. Use the holiday time to say “thank you” to your clients. I suggest avoiding an (impersonal) email message, and instead sending a holiday card. Gifts can be tricky. I avoid the “obvious” (fruit baskets, chocolate, etc.) and instead try to give something of value related to my business, such as a business-building book, a marketing-related White Paper, etc.

2. People have more time…which allows them to think about their business/personal life.
Most businesses slow down during the holidays. This gives business owners time to collect their breath…and think about their business, especially as it relates to 2010. Likewise, most people know that they need to de-stress/eat better/get more exercise/get a better mindset, etc. Focus on this thought: People need your solutions—now you must simply introduce them to how they can move forward to obtain the benefits you offer.

3. Party on.

I feel holiday parties are positives—people are more relaxed, (generally) in better moods, and more open to talking. Stay positive, stay professional, and have fun. Don’t come on as a hard-sell. Instead, look for opportunities to “plant seeds”—ask a question, make a comment, etc. Your goal should be to grab someone’s interest, then receive their permission for you to contact them later. (Avoid at all costs having them contact you—this rarely happens.)

Happy Holidays from TPC!

To help jump-start your 2010 marketing efforts, or to discuss a book writing/editing/publishing project, please contact me at 707-568-7322.

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